Tag Archives: healthy bathrooms

September 13th at #KBtribechat – We’re talking Bidets and Bathroom Design!

Sponsored and Hosted by Bemis

We are excited to announce that there will be a give-away this week at #KBtribechat.

Would you like to experience the benefits of a bidet seat for yourself? Tweet using the #KBtribechat hashtag plus Follow and DM @toiletseats to be entered to win a Bemis Haven 5000!

Our KBtribechat Questions:

1.) How can an existing bathroom be upgraded for health and wellness?

2.) How can a well-designed bathroom, including bidet features, positively impact a person’s daily wellness routine?

3.) Are you familiar with the different styles of bidet options? Which do you prefer?

4.) Let’s address myths: Are there any misconceptions about bidets that you often encounter? How do you debunk them, if you do?

5.) Share your thoughts: Bidet experience varies across cultures. How can we bridge the gap and make bidets a universal element of bathroom wellness?

6.) Are you including bidets as a feature in your bathroom designs? What about other bath safety products like raised toilet seats or seats with support arms?

7.) Last question: Would you personally choose a bidet as an essential wellness feature in your bathroom? Why or why not?

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August 10 at #KBtribechat – Designing Safe Kitchens and Bathrooms

Our KBtribechat questions: 

Q1.) What Universal Design / Living in Place principles have you found useful for Kitchens? Share pictures!

Q2.) What are key safety concerns for kitchens? Share design solutions that address these issues!

Q3.) Do you have other tips for designing a kitchen that will be a safe environment?

Q4.) What Universal Design / Living in Place principles are handy for Bathrooms?

Q5.) What are the top bathroom safety concerns? What design solutions address these issues?

Q6.) Do you have other tips for designing a bathroom that will be a safe space to use?

Join this Kitchen and Bath Industry Twitter Chat discussion

on Wednesday, August 10

from 2 to 3pm eastern

by adding #KBtribechat to your tweets!

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September 22 at #KBtribechat – Bathroom Features that Promote Healthy Living

A design discussion!

Our KBtribechat questions:

1.) What are your thoughts on designing a bathroom for wellness?

2.) Hygienic surfaces are very much in demand. What surfacing materials are easy to clean and maintain?

3.) How can we spark joy with design?

4.) Are you recommending air purifiers? If so, what type and what are the benefits?

5.) How can technology provide healthy bathroom features?

6.) What items would you include in your wellness sanctuary?

Join this Twitter conversation

at 2pm ET on Wednesday

by adding #KBtribechat to your tweets!

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Filed under kbtribechat questions, Topic Descriptions

Designing Healthy Spaces

The intersection of design with health and wellness was a trending topic last week during Design and Construction Week.  This topic is far reaching as our design and material choices affect our clients in many ways.


Designing in good ergonomics is important for our client’s longterm health and safety.

Q1. In what ways do you include ergonomic principles when designing kitchens or bathrooms?

Q2. In what ways can we plan for client safety in the spaces we design?

Q3.  Please share tips for designing spaces that feel good to be in. What are the important factors in this regard?

Color choices can affect mental health!

Q4.  Are there go to colors or hues that elevate mood? Please share your ideas including pictures!

Q5. What tips do you have regarding designing spaces that reduce stress?

Healthy material choices not only affect indoor air quality but it’s important to know how they affect the environment and if they are sustainabie.

Q6. What are your go to healthy material choices for the kitchen or bathroom? Why?

Join this Twitter discussion

on Wednesday, February 4th

from 2 to 3pm eastern time

by adding #KBtribechat to your tweets!

Our group Pinterest board – Designing Healthy Kitchens and Baths.

Here is the transcript for this KBtribechat.

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Filed under kbtribechat questions, Topic Descriptions