September 27 at #KBtribechat – Encouraging Gathering for Meals

A design discussion!

Our KBtribechat Questions:

1.) What are the benefits of eating together? Why would we want to encourage this?

2.) How do you design kitchens for dining and spending time together? What features does a social kitchen include?

3.) How can we slow down in a busy world? Why would this be desirable ?

4.) Being connected is important to all of us. It’s a big reason why we have gathered on Twitter every Wednesday at 2pm Eastern for all these years. Are you continuing to be active on Twitter? Why or why not?

5.) KBtribe are connected across many social media sites. Where do you share the most on social media?

6.) What is your favorite part of KBtribechat. Our weekly discussions? The friendships we’ve formed? Getting together in person?

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