September 20th at #KBtribechat – Kitchens Designed for Wellness

The KBtribechat questions:

1.)  There are many ways to design with wellness in mind, from open-concept kitchens that encourage family interaction and food prep to proper lighting. What does the wellness trend mean to you?

2.) Consumers are becoming more conscious of not just their own health, but the health of the planet.  Using sustainable building materials is more prevalent than ever before. How do you incorporate sustainable materials/elements into your designs?

3.) Your kitchen should serve as a retreat, not a pressure cooker. What tips do you have for streamlining design to avoid clutter and promote minimalism?

4.) An ideal Wellness Kitchen should be easy to maintain, user friendly for all ages and logically planned. Share your favorite Wellness Kitchen design and tell us why you love it.

5.) What wellness related products and ideas have you discovered lately?

6.) How would a kitchen design change if your client is focused on a wellness lifestyle?

7.)  Can a healthy kitchen design influence the food you consume? How can a well appointed kitchen promote healthy eating habits?

8.) How can we reduce waste in the kitchen?

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