Tag Archives: multifunction storage solutions

August 23 –  Storage Solutions for an Organized Home

A design discussion!

This KBtribechat discussion is Sponsored and Hosted by Rev-A-Shelf.

Our KBtribechat Questions:

  1. What are your favorite storage solutions for the kitchen? 
  2. Do you have any items in your kitchen or pantry that you find challenging to keep tidy?
  3. How do you add function and organization to a bathroom? 
  4. What solutions do you recommend to clients wanting to keep their closets more organized? 
  5. Share your design tricks for keeping high-traffic areas like the laundry room/mudroom clutter-free. 

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Filed under kbtribechat questions

January 13 at #KBtribechat – How to make the most of Kitchens!

Our KBtribechat questions:

1.) How do kitchen islands add to multifunctionality?

2.) Is having seating in the kitchen important? How does seating add to multifunctionality?

3.) How does an open plan add to the activity possibilities in the kitchen?

4.) How can we encourage gathering in the kitchen?

5.) How can smart technology help us increase our activity options in kitchens?

6.) What cabinetry ideas or storage solutions add multifunctionality to kitchens?

7.) How can multifunctional sinks and appliances help in the kitchen?

8.) How can we add grow your own options to kitchens?

9.) What tips do you have for adding laundry appliances to kitchens?

10.) What other tips do you have to blur the lines between kitchen function and family space?

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on Wednesday, January 13, 2021

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Filed under kbtribechat questions, Topic Descriptions